Saturday, March 5, 2011

The joys of being a aunty...

I'm a AUNTIE... and I am so excited and can't wait to meet the little one in May (summer trip back home to Hawaii, yippee) BUT for now I can only spoil her from far away... Don't you just love the owls and hot pink minky blanket that baby Kenzi is snuggled in? Those owls were just too cute to pass up. They can be found HERE, HERE, and HERE

I also couldn't resist making her these cute head bands

I bought little less than 100 of the crouched bands in all different colors for such a great price from HERE. I am a little bumbed that silver and pewter were sold out, but I guess those are there most popular colors..

I managed to squeeze in some time on my silhouette (which is saying a lot) to make these two adorable onesies... I tell you it is so easy and looks so professional with the heat transfer material...If I only had more time I would create many more things.

and last but not least, something for my sister..I found this awesome and super easy tutorial from DIARY OF A QUILTER, and made this super cute (can't buy in the store) nursing cover... She picked out the fabric, but I have to say this STARLING print in pink from Alexander Henry has always been one of my all time favorites..can be found HERE

{thanks Kelsey for modeling! :) }

So much fun to makes these gifts, and so easy... so please, don't go buy baby gifts just make them yourself.. it's so rewarding and trust me your gift will be the spotlight of the shower...enjoy!


1. Suzie said...

looks like you're off to good start on the Auntie thing!


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