Monday, February 21, 2011

Amy Butler, Quilt FINISHED!!!!

(hot off the press...I was so excited to get some pictures I haven't had a chance to take off strings :) )
Remember back when I first started this quilt? (HERE) it was 1 year ago.. this quilt started off being my first EVER quilt, but has slowly fell behind.. I have made it my mission to get it finished and I am so glad I can say that it's DONE!!!!

I, like many of you fell in LOVE with AMY BUTLER'S fabric especially her lotus collection. (which can be found HERE) Which along with her FREE pattern enspired me to make this quilt..

I am so proud of it, and can't wait to put it on my daughters bed..



and of course I needed one with my little one!

this quilt is bound with kona cotton solid COAL and is available for purchase HERE.

Quilt stats:

Material: cotton- Amy Butler mix of Lotus collection
Finished size: 72x72
Design by: Amy Butler, found on her website HERE
Quilting by: Me
Quilting pattern: don't know the term, but lines that cross over making squares (?)
Binding: Kona Cotton Coal, machine stitched on
Keeping it Real (a special section to confess all of my screw-ups!): wish I did not back it with muslin, maybe off white or some other coordinating solid fabric, just not loving the muslin..(but it does go well) I usually cut my binding width 2 1/4in, which I like on my baby blankets, but I'm thinking I better stick to 2.5 inches width for a little chunkier binding..

All in all for my first big, more work involved quilt, I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT and have been using it every night!
linked to fabric Tuesdays over on QUILTSTORY


1. Mandy Beyeler said...

great job!! I'm working on my first quilt right now!

2. Five Seconds From Crazy said...

Amazing! With fabric that lovely it's almost a shame to cut it!

3. Anonymous said...

I love that you made the back of the quilt so cute, too!

4. Tanyia said...

it is gorgeous! I just finished my first quilt top and am waiting to get brave enough to pull out the basting spray! lol

5. Sara @ Sew Sweetness said...

So beautiful! I made this quilt pattern last year and I was really happy with it, but yours looks amazing with Amy Butler's fabrics. Yum!

6. Dallas said...

OH I LOVE IT! I {heart} Amy Butler fabric!! nicely done!

7. Kimberly said...

thanks for all your wonderful comments.. it makes me so happy you all love this quilt as much as I do!!!

8. Steph said...

LOVE your quilt! Great job! I have a strange question for you, I love the back of the quilt and would love to make something like it that as the front. Would you be willing to share the measurement of the blocks? Thanks so much! My email address is


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