Monday, March 28, 2011

Skipping squares voile quilt kit and GIVEAWAY! (closed)

Isn't this quilt top, just gorgeous? it is made from 10 Little folks voile fat quarters. This is the newest quilt kit paired with Cluck Cluck Sew's pattern SKIPPING SQUARES.

This quilt kit is made up of Choose your own, 10 FQ from Anna Marie Horner's Little folks voile's and Kona cotton white solid fabric. finished quilt measures 51" x 68" backing and binding is not included.

Now for the "best stuff" I will be giving away this quilt kit to one luck follower.

You will receive:
skipping squares pattern
10 little folks voile FQ (your choice)
1.5 yds white kona cotton
value of $55

For all of my followers all you need to do to enter to win is leave a comment below about why you would love to win this quilt kit. If you are visiting from Cluck Cluck Sew please follow my blog publicly and leave your comment below. Winner will be announced 1 week from today April 4.

You can check out all the detail on this quilt kit HERE

linked to Quilt story


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1. Lee said...

What a lovely quilt! and a generous giveaway - I would love to make this for my sil that is going through radiation treatments! I am a follower of course!

2. Bron @ Stop That Owl said...

Oooh, gorgeous quilt! And gorgeous giveaway!

3. Laura said...

I still haven't tried any of AMH voiles! What a great kit! I am a follower.

4. Unknown said...

What's not to love about this kit?! =)

5. Michele T said...

This quilt is so pretty and colourful! Awesome giveaway - thanks for the chance! I am a follower.

6. Gill said...

I love this pattern! I'd make this for my sister who has just been widowed
I'm a follower

7. Tiffany said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
8. Tiffany said...

Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity! I would love to win this giveaway because I havent tried working with this type of fabric before and this would be a wonderful introduction to it.

I'm a follower.

9. Danae said...

This quilt is so cheerful, who wouldn't want to sew it up! Love the colors, the fabric and it makes me smile. Thanks for hosting and keeping my fingers crossed!

10. Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

I would love to win this quilt kit, to make this fabulous quilt, and I never win anything. All I can do is keep entering, because you can't win if you don't enter! I don't own any of this fabric either.

11. Sara said...

I have not tried this pattern yet and would love the chance to do so with some amazing fabric! Follow you:)

12. jessankney said...

This quilt is just perfect...fits me so well as I'm a new quilter and looking for my next project! Thanks for sharing, I'd love to win the kit!


13. Tania Grim said...

beautiful! I would love to make a quilt like this for a picnic blanket

14. Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt! I would love to make that pretty quilt for a wonderful neighbor of mine. Thanks for the chance.

15. mjb said...

I have been searching for my first quilt project- looking for something that includes everything. My problem is that I love all fabric and can never decide what fabric to use for a quilt. This would be perfect and I would make it for my granddaughter. Thanks for the giveaway!

16. Joanna said...

I love it.

17. syocom said...

This quilt is so fun and different from anything else i have done. It would be a good start to make me think outside the box.

18. Peach Rainbow said...

I'd love to win this because I have been wanting to make a quilt top with a similar look for sometime :D
And voile would be so comfy!
Thanks for the chance - I am already a follower :)

19. Jessica said...

Why wouldn't I WANT to win =D Haha. I love your quilt so much!! And love the fabric! I'd love to make my own.

20. Unknown said...

Wow! your giving away a whole kit!! Lucky us, and how lucky would I be! I'm trying to be really good this year and produce some quilts during the spring/summer so come winter when we want to be all cuddly we'll have some fun quilts to pull out. I love the colors in this one!

21. Becca said...

Beautiful! I would absolutely love to win this...I'm very new to sewing, but I think I could do this!

22. Dawn said...

I've been wanting to make this quilt, and I think this pattern in combination with lovely, soft voile would be amazing!!!

23. Mare said...

I would love to win because it looks like an easy kit for a beginner. Thanks for the chance to win.

24. Scenic Pit Stops said...

I've been hearing so much about these fabrics and think they are great! Would love this opportunity, thank you!

25. The Hungry Crafter said...

Thanks so much for the chance! I would love to win so I could make a super soft blanket for my new niece -- due in 2 months!

26. Belinda said...

I've never done a kit before and it looks so fun! I would love to win this! It would make a cover up for my guest bed. Thank you so much for your generosity, no matter who wins.

27. Diane N said...

I'd love to make this quilt. It's so cute and cheery! (I am already a follower!)

28. Rebecca said...

This is such a fun pattern and I would love to work with that voile! THANKS for the chance!
(and I already follow you)

29. Lee Ann L. said...

Truth? I actually love the fabric and want the pattern. So, why not get it all? :-)

Thanks for the chance to win.

30. Andrea said...

the quilt is beautiful!! would love to win and make this :)

31. gilchrist said...

I want to start quilting and what better way to push me to actually start then this great kit.

32. Shanna of Fiber of All Sorts said...

Is this a trick question? Everything about this is lovely. I love RPQ! And the voiles. . gads.

33. Quiltin' Sandy said...

Hi Great giveaway. I have never bought a quilt kit, usually just purchase the fabrics as I go, would love to win. :)
I am a follower.

34. Nora said...

I've seen these fabrics at the store -- they are so lovely! I would love to work on this project!

35. jillian said...

this would be a cute first quilt. I've never made one like this. I follow you!

36. Nussopillows said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
37. Paula Lemos said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I'm a new follower; thanks for the chance!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

38. Sunnybec said...

I am already a follower. I have never bought a quilt kit so would love a chance to win this.

39. Jen said...

I would love to win that kit because I'm looking for a design to re-decorate my 7 year old daughter's bedroom - and that looks very grown-up but not too sophisticated! I'd love it! Thanks for the generous give-away!

40. The Riebeek Family said...

Beautiful quilt! I'd love to make a quilt as pretty as this one! Thanks for the opportunity!

41. LisaT said...

Why would I love to win this quilt kit? I love fabric, everything about it - the various colors, patterns... and I love to sew but I only quilt. Thanks for the chance!

42. Lindsay Conner said...

I am a true lover of squares--squares of all sizes! This quilt is awesome to me for that reason. :)

43. Julia said...

Fun quilt! I would love to win just because who wouldn't? :)

44. deserae said...

I would love to win this! I have always wanted to try voile! It is so pretty! :)

45. Kelsey said...

I would love to win this because I love little folks.....and voile....and modern quilt patterns. :)

46. robin said...

I'm a follower, and would love to win this kit because I love both the fabrics and the pattern! Thanks for the chance! :)

47. craftytammie said...

what a fabulous quilt! i'd love to win this to make for my bedroom! (i'm a follower)

48. Rhonda said...

I would love to win this quilt package because I am new and excited and wanting to make my babies something oh so bad!!

49. Anonymous said...

I would love to win this because I have never worked with a viole and I am on a no buy order until further notice. thanks for the chance!

50. Unknown said...

I have never used voile. I would have so much fun! Thank you for the chance.

51. Christie said...

I just started quilting, would LOVE to give this a try!

52. Leah said...

what a wonderful giveaway. Love it. It would be great for my Gramma who is having a difficult time right now.

53. Briawna said...

Yeah! I've been dying to try Anna Maria's line, but it hasn't been in my fabric budget. I've been a follow for awhile. Thanks for this chance!

54. Sarah said...

Love it! Would be awesome to make.

55. Terri. said...

What a great quilt...I love it! It's gorgeous...I am a follower.

56. Mandy said...

oh my goodness...this is my sorta quilt...seriously,,,the white with the colours...just so beautoful...please pick me as your lucky a

57. SuzyMcQ said...

The sheerness of voile paired with bright white....heaven! Love the look.

Thanks for the giveaway!

58. Southerner said...

I have never ever ever made a quilt. It could be my first! Please please pick me :)

59. Tong said...

i'm a new follower coming from cluck cluck sew, thanks for the giveaway!

60. Kristen Good said...

What an awesome giveaway! I am both a Anna Maria Horner fan and a Cluck Cluck Sew fan. I came to you from there! I just started following publicly! :) Thanks!

61. Margaret said...

Love that voile -- beautiful quilt!

62. Kara said...

I am a follower coming from cluck cluck sew and I would love to win this kit any try out a new type of fabric!

63. Emily said...

I just became a follower after Cluck, cluck, sew gave me the heads up! I'd love to win this kit, the quilt is so beautiful and I love a new project!!

64. Anna said...

Love this fabric and quilt! Thanks for a chance to win

65. Courtney said...

I'm visiting from Cluck cluck sew...I have been desperately been wanting to make a quilt for myself so this is the perfect opportunity! Thanks

66. karen serna said...

i would love to try this new pattern... and with the beautiful fabric you have! oy vey! :)

67. Allison said...

I came from Cluck Cluck Sew and just started following you. I've been wanting to use the skipping squares pattern for a while now.

68. Heather said...

Came over from cluck cluck sew. What a wonderful giveaway:) I look forward to reading the rest of your blog!

69. Brandi said...

This is such a fun pattern and great fabric. thanks for the chance to win!

70. erica christensen said...

I love the beautiful colors! Thanks for the giveaway.

71. Kelly said...

Awesome pattern and beautiful fabrics--how could I not enter this giveaway?!?! Thanks!

72. Susan C. said...

Gorgeous! I'd love to try those voiles. Thanks for the chance to win!

73. Julie said...

wow! I just love the skipping squares voile kit! It is so lovely. I just finished up my last quilt and this would be a great new quilt to start!

74. Bobbi said...

Now a follower!! What a gorgeous quilt. Thanks for the chance to win!!

75. Unknown said...

I do love that voile! And that quilt! Thank you!

76. Gabby said...

What a wonderful giveaway!I'd love giving it a try. I'm a new follower; thanks for the chance!
gabbypeyrot at gmail dot com

* not sure if thos givaway is available to me, but it's worth trying ;)

77. DKB said...

i came from CLuck Cluck
Ive never tried voile in a quilt. and AMH would be a lovely way to try it

78. Kenton and Marianne Ogg said...

I've been wanting to order some Voile fabrics for a while and just haven't. I'd love to get some and have a plan for them too! Love the quilt and thanks for the giveaway!!!

79. Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I have not sewn a quilt with voile fabric and would love to try it, especially with Anna Maria's beautiful fabric! I'm a follower.

80. Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

Hi, I came over from Cluck Cluck Sew. I am following you now too!
I'd love to win this because I don't have one single piece of Anna Maria Horner fabric and the pattern is super cute. Thanks for the generous giveaway!

81. DianeY said...

Hi, I came over from CCS & am now a follower! I'm intrigued that you say you are from Kaneohe & Vegas! Anyway, I never did buy any Little Folks, but would love a chance to work with voile

82. Angela D. said...

What a great looking quilt. I haven't quilted with AMH's voiles yet but would love to try! I'm a follower too! Thanks for the opportunity.

83. Sabs said...

What an amazing (and very generous) giveaway. I'm over from cluck cluck sew and absolutely love the quilt. I've never made anything from voile before (in fact I'm very new to the whole quilting and sewing thing...) so would love to win. Thanks for the opportunity!

84. Shannon said...

I would really like to try and make this. I am new to quilting and still looking for patterns I would like to try, this one looks fun.

85. Jennifer said...

im here from cluck cluck sew - im a follower! thanks for the chance to win!

86. Stephanie said...

Awesome giveaway! (Directed here by Cluck Cluck Sew) Now a follower of your blog. I am new to quilting and this looks like a pattern I could follow.

87. tpott said...

Hi, I just came from Cluck Cluck Sew and I am now a follower. What a generous giveaway! I haven't tried voiles yet, thanks for the chance. ;>

88. Kelli said...

Oh, I'd love to try working with voiles! Crossing my fingers and following you now!!

89. Jenniffier said...

I was just following Cluck cluck sew and now I am following you too. I would love to try both the pattern and the fabrics out. Cute pattern and great prints.

90. marilee said...

i follow both of you! what great fabric choice for that pattern...

91. Tanya said...

Great quilt! I especially love the colors. I've found myself gravitating to those colors lately. I will keep my fingers crossed.

92. Just..... US!! said...

I haven't tried any of the voiles, they look lovely and everyone says they feel amazing. Thanks for the giveaway.

93. Katherine said...

What a generous giveaway. Please choose me! I'm a brand new follower!

94. Emma said...

omg, that's adorable! love the fabrics :) Please please please pick me, I'm new to quilting and even though I'm very excited about my own projects this would be a perfect learning experience for me!

95. Lola said...

Es un quilt precioso y eres muy generosa al regalarlo.

96. Varga Györgyi said...

Really cute quilt and gorgeous giveaway! Please count me in! I'm a follower :O)

97. Baskets Of Quilts said...

Wow! Great giveaway! I've never used voile but I've heard they make super soft quilts.

98. Anna said...

Beautiful quilt!

99. Peggy said...

I'm over from Cluck Cluck Sew and am I ever glad! I love your blog and plan to spend many an hour here perusing all the wonderful posts! Thank you for this opportunity!

100. Elisa Black said...

Hi there-- I'm a first time visitor (linked from Cluck Cluck Sew) and will sign up as a follower after I leave this comment. What a generous giveaway you are offering! I love the pattern and I love Anna Marie Horner. I like your background choice from it looks great!

101. Carrie said...

Lovely quilt! Thanks for the opportunity :)

102. the frog princess said...

How exciting! That's a really nice pattern because it doesn't follow too simple a sequence, keeps your eyes skipping about!

103. Lindley said...

Love the quilt and would love to win too!!

104. ikceb said...

I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to make this quilt!

105. bethanndodd said...

I would love to have something for myself (I haven't kept 1 quilt that I have made!!) and there isn't anything more perfect than voile...yummy! I also LOVE the fun pattern...thnaks!
beth.dodd at

106. Marcia W. said...

Great quilt - would be my first use of AMH voiles should I be so fortunate as to win. I am a follower. Thanks for such a lovely giveaway.

107. Anonymous said...

Wow! Nice blog and a super giveaway! I've been a follower of Cluck Cluck Sew for a while now. Thanks to her I found your blog. I'm looking forward to following you blog. Thank you for sharing with us fellow quilters

108. Jen said...

I'm just discovered you from Cluck Cluck Sew and I'm exited that I did. I would love to sew up this quilt! I might actually keep it for me this time. :)

sewinsane4 at yahoo dot com

109. Anita said...

Thank you to Cluck Cluck Sew, I am now a follower (somehow follower sounds kind of creepy to me, sorry.) I would love to make this quilt for my mother-in-law. thank you for the chance to win.

110. Kulla Klan said...

I'm a new follower - and I want to win:)

111. Nancy said...

I'm now a follower. Thanks for the amazing giveaway.

112. Becca said...

This looks like such a great project. I would love to get my hands on this kit! Thanks!

113. MyLittleBlueDog said...

Hi, Yep I'm here via Cluck Cluck Sew, that's what I love about the blogs all the links to other great ones! Thanks for the chance to go in to the draw for the giveaway.

114. Jenny said...

i have not tried sewing with voiles yet, but i think this would make my daughter the most beautiful summer quilt. gorgeous. excited to be your newest follower

115. Catskill Quilter said...

Love this quilt and I am excited about your giveaway! I am glad that the pattern is included; it is one that I may well make over and over again.

116. Steven and Ginger said...

Beautiful quilt. I always love having a quilt project going on.

117. Janet said...

Everything about this quilt is absolutely beautiful; thanks for offering this giveaway.

118. Anonymous said...

I am a new follower. I would love to play with those fabrics. I would make a quilt for me, I have yet to make a quilt for me.

119. Jessica said...

What a great quilt!

120. Candice said...

Oh my prettiness! Excited to find your blog!

121. Rhonda the Rambler said...

This would make a great quilt for my daughter's room.

122. Wivi said...

Beautiful quilt. I would love to make this for my bedroom.
I'm a new follower.

123. Deanna McCool said...

This looks like a fun quilt! Thanks for offering this giveaway. :)

124. Jessica Young said...

I'm visiting from Cluck Cluck Sew, but am now a follower of yours :) What a beautiful quilt! I would love to win and make it for my sister.

125. Keep Stitchin' said...

Love it! I hope I win! I saw this on Cluck. Cluck. Sew.

126. Jennifer Mathis of Ellison Lane said...

I love that little folks voile. It has made it into my shopping cart many times- budget always prevails. One day! It is my first time stopping by your blog. Looking forward to reading more. :) Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

127. Keep Stitchin' said...

Oh yes, I forgot;I am a follower!

128. Kelly said...

one brand new follower here! love this kit!, thanks for the giveaway :)

129. michelle said...

Great looking quilt. great give away. So sign me up.

130. WandaFish said...

Oh, I just adore the Little Folks voiles and they look so fabulous in Allison's skipping squares! My little girl watches as I make things to give to others and doesn't have enough 'mummy made' things herself. I'd love to be able to make this just for her :)
Thanks so much for this generous giveaway and the chance to win!

131. abby o said...

Hey there Kim, I didn't realize you were so FAMOUS! Congrats! Well I wanna win cause I luuuuuuv voile...and that pattern is darling. Thanks for the chance.

132. Rachael said...

Ooh! I have been wanting to try the voiles! Thanks!

133. Amber B said...

I love AMH's voiles! what a nice giveaway.

134. stitchinpenny said...

I love both the pattern and the fabrics. Thanks for the great giveaway.

135. Tracy said...

I'm in love with the square in a square style quilts and have never tried sewing with voile. What a great giveaway!

136. Tracy said...

Oh! I'm a follower too!

137. Delores said...

I am now a follower!! Love your fabric selections and this quilt looks awesome!
Love to win!

138. Jen B said...

It looks like a fun project and would make a great gift for a friend!

139. Unknown said...

I'm a new follower and so glad...your blog is super cute!! I would like to win because I love Anna Maria and have been wanting to play with her voile fabrics and this is the perfect project!!Thanks for the giveaway!!

140. Dissertating Away said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
141. Caroline@ToffleCraft said...

It's a beautiful kit. I think I'd make it as a present for my mum, as she's been phenomenally supportive and encouraging through some dark times. I want to say thank you. (Following with RSS - need to figure out Google Follower)

142. gag7949 said...

I'm a new follower and happy to find another place to purchase AMH voiles. I love them! Thanks for this fantastic giveaway.
gag7949 at hotmail dot com

143. ✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

Hi, I am a new follower from Cluck, Cluck, Sew. Great giveaway! Thanks!

144. A. said...

That is a really gorgeous quilt! I've finally decided to take the plunge and make my first non-baby gift quilt. I'm a little nervous, but I've been making baby quilts like crazy and am finally running out of other-people's-babies to give them to! It's time for ME to get in on the action!

145. Deb said...

I'm a new follower from Cluck Cluck Sew - wonderful giveaway - thanks!

146. Mandy Beyeler said...

eek - I REALLY want to get into quilting - this would be great!

147. Anonymous said...

I am a brand new follower and am just so happy that I found you. What a great giveaway with such a lovely quilt pattern and wonderful fabric.

148. SewCalGal said...

What a cheerful quilt. I'd love to win as this quilt design and colors just look like they could cheer someone up, whom I believe could use some good cheer right now. And I'd love to win and make it for them.


149. Noelle said...

Beautiful! Great quilt and fabric. Hope I win!

150. Vail said...

I came to visit via Cluck Cluck Sew. Love your shop. You have some great fabrics. I'd love to make that quilt for one of my grands or maybe my daughter. That is such a gorgeous fabric line.

vail in tn

151. Jennifer said...

What an awesome quilt and give away! I love the AMH fabrics.

152. Cheryl R said...

So Cool! And what an amazing giveaway!

153. scott said...

OOOOOOOhhhhhhhh, love AMH fabrics! Thank you for the opportunity to win some of her fabrics. I am a follower of Cluck cluck Sew and now you. Love new blogs.

154. Cindy said...

new follower --- would love to win - need to make a baby quilt!

155. Tamie said...

I need/ want to get back to my quilt studio- for me. This would be a great incentive. Thanks for the giveaway.

156. Emily Lee said...

I'm a new follower - love your site! I found you through Cluck. Cluck. Sew. - and I'm glad I did!! Thank you for a great giveaway!!

157. Cammie said...

That is amazing! I'd love to work with voiles, I never have and I keep wanting to. I'd love to make this quilt to snuggle in on my old snugly couch.

158. Katie said...

Love this pattern and love your site!

159. Anonymous said...

Found you via Cluck Cluck Sew. I am a follower now, and I would love to win this! I would make a quilt for my son's fabulous 3rd grade teacher.

160. Marissa said...

New great blog to follow..New project..New quilt..New niece needing a blanket!

161. Jagels said...

I love this quilt. thanks for the giveaway.

162. Unknown said...

Im visiting from cluck cluck sew, I love this fabric!

163. Teri Key said...

Beautiful. I am new to your blog, but I will be back!

164. Heartsdesire said...

Oh, this is such a cute quilt. I love the pattern, simple but with fabulous impact. I think i'd be a bit selfish and make it for myself. I've been a follower for some time now. Thanks for a great giveaway.

165. said...

I'd love to win this gorgeous kit to make the quilt for my sister. It is so cheerful!

166. Danielle said...

I'm visiting from Cluck Cluck Sew, and I've never been here before! I'm now following-- looks like you have lots of eye candy! Anna Maria Horner is my favorite designer. In fact, I recently made a quilt for a friend's wedding with her fabrics, and I loved it so much that I had to give my friends another quilt and keep my Good Folks quilt. Love her, Love Allison, so I'm sure I'll love you, too.

167. said...

I am now a follower also!

168. Becky McKenzie said...

Just came over from Cluck Cluck Sew! What a fun blog, I love the background. Cute quilt, thanks for the great giveaway!

169. Cindy said...

Really pretty quilt! I would love to win this because I'm a beginner quilter and what better way to start than to have everything sent all together. Also, I've never worked with this type of fabric so this would be interesting!!:) Would love to give it a try!

I'm now a follower! Thanks!

170. Val said...

Gorgeous! I have been really wanting to try the voile but haven't taken the plunge yet!

171. Matt said...

I would love to win this quilt kit because a dear friend needs a bit of special love and warmth during her chemo treatments.

172. sara said...

What a gorgeous quilt! I just became a follower! LOVE your blog, LOVE your shop!!!

173. Laura said...

I am a new follower! I would love to win because I want that pattern so bad!

174. Sally said...

I am a new follower. It's alway exciting to find a great new quilting blog!

175. carrie said...

I'm a new follower. I'd love to win the kit! I've yet to try sewing voiles.

176. candy said...

i am a vistor from Cluck cluck sew. what a beautiful quilt, i am so happy i found your blog, thank you for sharingca

177. joyce said...

I have only been quilting for a year and having so much fun! This looks like one I would love to add to my collection! Glad I found your blog!

178. Kira said...

It is inspiration for my brewing project.

179. Sara @ Sew Sweetness said...

New follower from CCS! I have never had a quilt kit before, so I would love to win!!

180. LochKnitsMonster said...

I would love to win and make this quilt because it's so cute.

181. Jayme said...

Perfect giveaway!! The Skipping Squares pattern is my favorite of Allison's. I'd really live to win!! Thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway!

182. Stacey said...

Hi I am anew follower to from CCS. I would use this kit to make a quilt for my Operation Top Knot group. It's where I make quilts for babies who are born while their daddies are deployed. Please pick me!


183. Jessica said...

new follower ... and LOVER of your blog! and i am in love with this quilt!! :)

184. Lisa England said...

Just signed up as a follower. Love the blog and that quilt is so pretty. Thanks for the chance to win.

185. MJ said...

Wow what a great give away! How nice of you. I have a nephew getting married June 3. Quilt would make a great wedding gift. However will you choose with so many comments.

186. Inspired Gal {Crafts} said...

I'm your newest follower from Cluck Cluck Sew. I'm so excited to have been lead to another great blog! Look forward to seeing future posts and appreciate the chance to win!

Inspired Scrap {Gal}

187. Rebecca said...

i'm a visitor from cluck cluck sew. i have been wanting to work with the little folks voiles and i love that pattern!! thanks for the opportunity of this generous giveaway :o)

188. Susan said...

I'm a brand new follower and would love to win the quilt kit, it's gorgeous!

189. lorene said...

I came over from cluck, cluck sew and now I am a follower. yeah! I would love to win this kit. I have a soon to be 8 year old grandduaghter who would LOVE this quilt. I have been trying to decide what to do for her. This would be perfect! so thanks for putting my name in the hat!


190. Beth said...

Oh, I'd love to bring some of those little folks home, and that is why I'd love to win this giveaway. Thanks for the generosity. I'm a brand new follower.

wordygirl at earthlink dot net

191. NancyL said...

Beautiful quilt!! I'd love to be the winner and make it for my soon-to-arrive grandbaby! I'm a new follower-thanks for the great giveaway!!

192. Helen said...

I am getting a little tired of the camo fleece that always ends up on my couch! I would love to take on a project with a little more style as a room accessory. Thanks for the generous giveaway and opportunity.

193. Julie said...

I just love this pattern and the kit would be wonderful. I came from Cluck Cluck Sew and am now a follower. Thanks for the give away.

194. Anonymous said...

I just discovered you from Cluck, Cluck, Sew or I would have already been following you! What a fantastic giveaway. Thanks for the chance.

195. Shelley said...

Fabulous fabrics, fabulous pattern - what's not to love?! I love bright colors against white so this would be a really fun quilt to put together. Thanks so much!
I follow!

196. Barbara said...

the quilt is beautiful! Thanks for the chance! I would love to make this!

197. midnight hysteria said...

i love this fabric and would love to win enough to make this darling quilt top ... thanks for the opportunity ... darlene

198. Sandy said...

What a great giveaway! I would LOVE to win!

199. Jodi said...

Thanks for the chance - so nice of you!

200. Jodi said...


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