Sunday, August 19, 2012

remember this one?... vintage modern hst quilt DONE!

I have to be honest
 this quilt has been finished since May


it was first posted here.

Mothers Day to be exact.

It was a gift for my mom, and she loved it. 

and so do I

this quilt was really quick to sew together
 since I used a pre-cut layer cake

{hst tutorial coming soon!}

{love the back drop with the mountains}

the back was created from yardage out of the 
houndstooth print 
and solid med kona cotton grey

the quilting on this was done by me. 

Because this quilt was really big, I'm 
talking queen size big I quilted it will with wonky lines that run throughout the entire quilt.

my only dislike is the quilting. 
my sewing machine doesn't have a wide neck 
so quilting a big quilt on it is a 

the lines are slightly curve and cross over in weird places
 but the front and back make up 
for me not liking the quilting.

my binding is out of the floral dots pear
which is a very pretty green with white polka dots
that tops off this quilt!

 Quilt details:
HST quilt
vintage modern pre-cut layer cake
kona cotton white
kona cotton med grey
binding: floral dot pears
queen size
quilted: wonky lines


1. leanne said...

this quilt is absolutely gorgeous :)


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