Monday, May 21, 2012

vintage modern yardage in stock!!!!

Vintage Modern, yardage is finally here. It is even more beautiful in person.

Remember this quilt top?  I posted about it here. I made it out of the vintage modern layer cake and ended up created a queen size hst (half square triangle) quilt top.. Which I am totally in love with.

So, I used this past weekend to finish the quilt top and I'm so happy to say it's done!!!! here is a sneak peak...

I know it's not much of a peak, more will come soon I promise. 
 This fabric is what I used to create the back and the idea of the back layout I got out of this book, by Elizabeth Hartman. 

I LOVE LOVE LOVE  this book.. if you don't have one yet, I highly suggest buying one. It is definitely the book for the beginner quilter but also has some great patterns for the more experienced one.
Not to mention tons of great ideas, and things to learn that every quilter should know.



1. tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Eu estou apaixonada.obrigada por compartilhar,eu não posso comprar.


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