Friday, April 6, 2012

we have hello kitty and superman in stock!!!!!

Were so happy to bring you fabrics in from David textiles and our first shipment has arrived.. we are so excited about these licensed prints of hello kitty and Superman

hello kitty guitar panel -this panel will look so great as a blanket. my little one is already requesting it.

                 Superman and shields dark blue

shields light blue

             atomic stars dark blue

                 Atomic stars white


these prints are so much fun, and my little one is already requesting a hello kitty blanket, bag and pj's... just to name a few.

We will be getting in more Warren brothers and DC prints like batman and green lantern..


1. tubilinha tiacarminha said...

São lindos.Para quem tem netos como eu,as ideias explodem.Obrigada por compartilhar.Feliz Páscoa!


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