Monday, March 26, 2012

Ghastlies are here, and there not happy about it either + giveaway (ended)

Hope your as excited as I am for the "PART 2" of this super fun Halloween fabrics. We just got in the original prints as well as some of the new ones.

Since were so excited about these, we are having another giveaway for a 10 piece FQ bundle of your choice.

Giveaway will end in one week on April 3 so enter now for some really fun and spooky prints.

these are some of my favorite prints, whats yours?

giveaway started so ENTER NOW....


1. Lee said...

Oh I love the green background with the trees.. and the old car! I love the Ghastlies! thanks!

2. Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Yay, more Ghastlies! My favorite is the new one in white with all the relatives (show last in your post)!

3. Ella said...

I love the portraits on the wall! Thanks for a chance to win!

4. ✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

I love the one with the family at the long dinner table. I've never seen the fabric in person, but I saw some cute things in blogland last Halloween. Thanks for the chance to win:)

5. SunflowerSkies said...

The green trees and the portraits are great!

6. B Greene said...

No doubt for me - the green trees! Thanks for the great giveaway!!!

7. Allison C said...

Love the trees, the gray background with the cute little girl in the rose dress, and the portraits! Big fan of the Ghastlies!

8. Jenny said...

i love all the grays. and i love the little stuffies ive seen of the characters!

9. Garnet said...

My favorite is the print with the portraits.

10. Melissa said...

I really like the ones that look like portraits of all the characters!

11. Jennie P. said...

I just love this line. Halloween is my favorite holiday besides Christmas. I just love anything spooky. I'm kind of obsessed. Thanks for the chance!

12. mean sarah jean said...

I just love all the people. They remind me if my family pictures when I was a child. Someone was always unhappy about having to do a family portrait.
Best Halloween fabric ever!!

13. KristyMN said...

Wow, those are amazing fabrics! I love the trees and the damask-style ones.

14. Mom2RyandSis said...

Great fabric! I like the Ghastlies forest in natural best :)

15. Caroline @ Artfully Caroline said...

All are fab but I really like the one with the grey background

16. Terry@ a quilting blog said...

Love the family portraits and that great limo!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
~Terry~ :o)

17. Lynn M said...

these are all great. i'd love to enter

18. Mhairi said...

I love the Ghastlie Gallery and the Family Reunion one. I really can't decide which one is my favourite of these two. I love this fabric and think that all the different designs are so wonderful and unique.
Got to love Ghastlies!!!!

19. Mimi said...

I love the second one from the bottom- the vampire on the beigey background!!!!

20. Crystal said...

I love the green "reunion" print, but I think I really like them all!!!

21. Danny Heyen said...

I like the black and grey damask print and the one with all the picture frames!

22. Carrie Siegfried said...

I loved this collection when it first came out. I love how big the prints actually are on some of them. My favorite is of them standing outside in the grey. Awesome! Thanks for the chance for this!

23. Scenic Pit Stops said...

Oh boy these are so stinkin' cute! I love the print with all characters on it - the lady pushing the baby buggy is ridiculously cute! :) Great giveaway, thank you!

24. hueisei said...

I loved the trees with the dark green background. Thanks.

25. Katrin said...

The family prints are cute!

26. Lisa England said...

Cute fabrics to add an element of surprise and whimsy to a quilt!

27. Kathy Felsted Usher said...

It would have to be the pinky one with the graves.

28. Catherine said...

My son is obsessed with Halloween and all things spooky, so I would definitely scoop up fqs featuring the family. :) Thanks for the chance!

29. memmens said...

This line is so fantastic, it makes me laugh it is so crazy! I think my favourite is the Ghastly Night natural - thanks for the ace giveaway

30. Sara said...

I love the ghastlies! I don't know if I could pick a favorite.
I like the car print.

31. Tiffany said...

I can't pick a favorite print but my favorite character so far is the guy walking the invisible dog :)

32. babiesdoc said...

although the witches are nice,
I like the ghastlies forest in smoke!

33. DianeY said...

I haven't purchased any of these, but I think they are hysterical! The artwork is incredible!

34. carrie said...

My fav is the portraits! I <3 all things Edward Gorey!!

35. Gill said...

I like the green trees and the print with the Ghastlies sitting at the long table!

36. Natasha Johnson said...

i first found these when looking for pink and grey fabric, altho it wasnt what i needed for the project i just love it! still thinking of a good way to use it

37. Jacqueline said...

I love them all. I have been wanting Ghastlies for forever!!! Time to budget!

38. Unknown said...

Haven't seen much of these but I kind of think the black and white prints.

39. Michelle said...

These might be my favorite collection out there at the moment. It'd be a tough call. I love the gray background with all the family. The giveaway ends on my birthday so here's to hoping it'll be my gift :)

40. MickeyT. said...

The grey with the little touches of pink in the dresses has to be my favorite but thisd is such a great line, it's hard to choose.

41. Lina Thomlinson said...

I am not exaggerating when I say that my heart skips a beat when I see this awesome fabric. I have some from last year but would love to add more to my collection as the designs are so charmingly unique! My favorite's the Ghastlies Reunion fabric.

42. Karen Phillips said...

These are awesome! I've never seen them before and I like the break away from traditional black and orange Halloween fabrics. I love the dining table scene fabrics!

43. sharon g said...

I LOVE these. I need these!

44. Natasha G.P. said...

Halloween is my favorite holiday, so it's no wonder that I love these fabrics so much!

45. B. Poteraj said...

The patterns on the fabrics are amazingly wonderful. I would like to make alllll kinds of things with them.

46. Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

I love these fabrics - and love your giveaway!! I guess I love the grey and black fabrics best - I have great plans to make a black white and grey quilt one day and these fabrics would certainly fit the mark!! Fingers crossed! Thanks for the chance.

47. Susan said...

There are some wonderful prints in this line. I think I would go with the blacks and whites and grays, but maybe a green would sneak in there, too! Thanks for a chance to win some!

dezertsuz at gmail

48. lorijo2003 said...

Love all of these! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

49. Vanessa said...

Ive not seen this line of Ghastlies but you can bet Ill be looking to get some for my stash! Luv the relatives :-) Thanks!!!

50. barbara woods said...

love all the fabric thanks for the giveaway

51. Binks said...

Ahh!!! I also want to buy a print or 2 (with my budget), but tell myself I probably wouldn't use them. But if I have a bundle, I would definitely make myself a ghastly quilt for year round use! Exciting...

52. Unknown said...

I just love all of them! They have like a vintage Adams Family feel. Definitely love the old car one and the long dinner table one. Just loveeeeee.

53. Michele T said...

My absolute favourites are the trees on white and the family portraits!!

54. Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

It looks like a cute line of fabric. I missed the first line when it came out. How cool you have it back along with a new line of it as well.

55. Sallie said...

I love the dining room table scene on white! Thanks for the great giveaway!

56. marlene said...

I went crazy for the first set of Ghastlies about a year ago. Seriously bought a ton of it. And this new set is adorable! I love every single print. But I love the pinky one around the dinner table. Love!

57. latanya t said...

They are all so beautiful! I love the green trees best.

58. Jennyroo said...

I love the cream print with the little ghastlie baby being pushed in a pram. Oh this collection is begging for some fussy cutting...!!!

59. Kate said...

i love the white with the picture frames. also the green tree one is amazing.

60. robin said...

I like all the tree ones. :)

61. Marcia W. said...

I like trees too, and family at dinner, and grey/black along with a few with colors popped in the background... Thanks for the chance. I followed the Ghastlies blog hop last year so know where to go to get some great ideas for quilts!

62. Rhonda D. said...

I like the trees and the tapestries. (really, I like them
all!). Thanks for the chance to

63. Lauren said...

I like the grey one with the witches

64. Anonymous said...

WOW. This is the first time that I have seen this fabric line and I love it. Thx for the chance to win...~sylvia

65. Cherise said...

I love the Ghastlies family reunion fabric + all the others! It's such a fun line! Thanks for the chance to win! Have a Ghastlie Day! :)

66. The Hungry Crafter said...

I love the trees! Thanks a bunch!

67. Larissa said...

I love the Ghastly Night green!

68. Richard Healey said...

I love the witches totally cool love these.

69. Wehaf said...

I love the grey on black damask-type print.

urchiken at gmail dot com

70. Jennie @ Porch Swing Quilts said...

I love those three knitting together up in the corner. These prints are so much fun and I've seen a fabulous quilt idea using them that I MUST make for Halloween. Thanks for the giveaway!

71. wilai said...

love the tree and witches. fun print and interesting for halloween tote bag or trick or treat bag. thx

72. Jen B said...

The trees are a definite favorite!

73. JD said...

I love all the prints, but especially the household scenes with the pink background.

74. Zoe said...

I love the Ghastiles. They remind me of Edward Gorey.

75. Denise J. said...

the trees are my favorite!

76. Brooke @ little b quilts said...

I love all the trees...they can be spooky or not spooky depending on what they are paired with.

77. Shauna said...

I like them all, but the portraits one is probably my favorite! Thanks for the chance!! :)

78. bets said...

Since I have a birthday on Halloween and so do my 2 boys....I of course love ANY and all Halloween, but the Ghastlies are my favorite! I made a darling quilt last Fall and would live to make another so hope I win!

79. Maureen said...

I've always loved the Ghastlies! It's so hard to decide on a favourite but I love the design with the ladies & prams!


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