(thanks Maureen for this awesome collage)
Watermelon Candy is the name of this bundle, and we think rightfully so! So who wants to win 11 different half yards? thats $56 worth of fabric.. This giveaway is with our newest friend, Maureen Craknell Handmade she runs a awesome blog with tons of great ideas and talent. Just check out her blog to see how. This giveaway only runs till Sunday so head over now and see how to enter..Go HERE.
This is such a bundle fabulous bundle and I entered the giveawy! You have a great blog and I'm now following you!
Beautiful fabric! Just right for many projects!
This is beautiful. Good luck to all!
i'M leaving my comment to enter to win the beautiful fabric bundle. The colors are electrifying. I have 6 little granddaughters who will love the quilt I make for them! born4praise1958@yahoo.com I WANT TO WIN!!! THANK YOU!
The fabrics are just beautiful.
Such a fun bundle of fabric. It just makes me smile! :)
This fabric is so cheerful and it makes me happy just looking at it! I especially love the owls!
This fabric is absolutely beautiful!! With one grandbaby on the way and two grand(niece and nephew) coming within a short period of time these fabrics would fit the bill for beautiful baby quilts!!!! I would love to win!
love the fabric and colors, Would be perfect for a Linus Quilt
beautiful fabric and color combinations. Perfect for a Linus quilt project.
ohhh, this would be perfection for a quilt for my newest niece in California!
Beautiful fabric :-) I am following you!!!
I became a follower and I am so glad I did. Fabulous kits and projects!
WOW!! What a nice bundle. I would make a charity quilt for a child that needs to have comfort and warmth.
yeah...i really like these fabrics...i can see them cut and on my design wall :-)
Ahh some fabric! New here at following your blog. If I should win, I will make my daughter a quilt.
I'm drooling over this luscious fabric! I envision a diaper bag, diaper wipes bag, burp pad....well my goodness...a baby quilt, wallhanging....so many possibilities!
Oh my goodness i have been searching for fabrics that are bright bold & cheery, this bundle would fill all my desire...wow the colors really pop!!!
This is such a fun bundle - can't wait to win it! I am now following your blog
thanks for all your wonderful comments, but remember for your chance to win you must leave your comment on maureen cracknell handmade blog, she will be picking the winner.
Gorgeous--and FUN! I found you via CraftGossip.com and maureen cracknell's handmade blog...'Nothing like a contest to awaken the curiosity! Thanks!
Just beautiful fabric! It makes me smile!
Whoo Whoo needs a new quilt?? My beautiful Grandgirls do!! Love the Fabric! So colorful!
Great blog - and lovely fabric too
I seem to be going round and round trying to follow your instructions. I think it has me posting over and over on the same spot. I read the blogs, but every time I try to add a post, I get thrown back here. My honest efforts should get me the promised three entries, if for no other reason than that you would want someone to be that kind to your own grandmother or great-grandmother!
So cute...thanks so much for the opportunity to win it!
My Mom is drooling over these fabrics... :)
Wow what wonderful fabric, I just started to quilt. Joined a block of the month club, started last thursday, and signed up for a beginers quilting class. If I was to win the fabric collection it would incourage me to learn. I made a quilted purse lastnight for my daughter for her birthday. If I knew how to add pictures I would show it to you. I also don't have a new sewing machine, I'm using a antquie Singer probbly over 100 years old, but it works like a dream. I would show a picture of it as well if I knew how. Happy quilting!
Love your site. Quilts are beautiful. I entered the contest and hoping to win.
Love these fabrics!
Beautiful everything! I'm following your blog!
What a wonderful bundle. I stopped over and entered the giveaway. Thanks for sponsoring the giveaway... I wanna win this bundle! AJ
A bundle of joy is coming my way this winter when I become a new granny! YOUR delightful bundle gives me some great ideas for the nursery. Glad I found Poppy Seed Fabrics!
I am a new quilter, and would love to have this bundle to make a quilt!
Beautiful fabrics! I could do so much. Definitely following your blog!
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