Monday, November 25, 2013

Fabric Giveaway -(a short one)


Our FQ basket is over flowing with fabrics.


 lets have a fabric giveaway and make it a quick one!

the lucky winner will get 20 fat quarters (the above fabrics) 

a total of 5 yards.

all you have to do is go to instagram and follow us!


and comment below that you did so.

updated: If you don't have instagram no worries just leave a comment reminding us you follow our FB page or blog and you will be entered.

so easy...

HURRY giveaway is short and will end on Thanksgiving Day!

go enter!


1. Janice said...

follow you - hope i win!!

2. Fawbush said...


3. Tammy said...

Follow you!!

4. Deanna said...

Shoot, I don't do instagram - I follow you on FB though, if that counts ;)

5. Amanda said...

So if I don't have instagram I don't qualify???

6. Sewing Miles of Smiles said...

Aaarghhh - I don't do instagram!

7. Katie B said...


8. Rhonda D. said...

Following you!!

9. Sonya said...

Just signed up! Thanks for sharing the overflow with everyone!

10. Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Follow you on IG.

11. JustPam said...

I am following you on instagram now.

12. bets said...

Already follow you! But just on your blog...have no idea how to follow you on Instagram??!

13. Cecilia said...

Yay! I figured out how and I'm now following you on Instagram. :-)

14. Nitasha said...

Happy to be a new InstaFollower! These fats are too cute!!!

15. Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek] said...

Just started following!!

16. Allison C said...

Now following (alibear167)

17. jenna said...

I am following you now. jennamaine7. Thanks for the chance, I would love to add those to my stash!!

18. Paula said...

No Instagram here either. I don't need any more social sites to keep up with. FB and Blogger are enough for me.

19. Jen B. said...

I follow :)


20. CountryBelle said...

I am following!!! (effiemyram)

21. DeborahGun said...

I follow you on Instagram :-)

22. Sara Pierce said...

Following you as SaraTPie

23. Sowing Stitches said...

I am now following you on instagram @sowingstitches!
I have a perfect project in mind for these fabrics! :)

24. Mandy Beyeler said...

done! I'm surprised I wasn't following you already! -- Sugar Bee Crafts

25. Garilyn S said...

I don't do Instagram :(

26. Katelyn @ Sing While Crafting said...

I follow you on Instagram! Thanks for the chance at cute fabric!

27. CometGirl63 said...

I'm following you on Instagram! (cometgirl63)

28. Siobhán said...

Yeay! Good to see you on IG! It's my favorite social media site. I follow you.

29. Mhairi said...

Following on Instagram as Ruth Rowe. Thanks for the chance to win.

30. Sunnybec said...

Wasn't going to comment because I too don't do instagram, but it seems that there are a lot of us that dont.... :-(

31. memmens said...

Ooo love scraps - especially someone elses! I'm following you on IG - thanks

32. Rebeckah Austin said...

But I don't have a smart phone :(

33. Rebecca said...

I follow you (busybunch). THANKS for the chance at all those great prints!

34. Ryan Roth Photography said...

I am following Poppy Seed Fabric on Instagram. What a great giveaway! Right in time for Christmas! Thank you!

35. Nays Place said...

would love to enter but dont use instagram - find it difficult to keep up with facebook, blogs and pinterest. - What a wonderful idea...Thanks

36. Unknown said...

Following! and crossing my fingers!

37. Jo said...

Following, I just adore scrap giveaways.

38. Mom C said...

Don't instagram. I already spend too much time on line especially when I could and should be quilting. I do follow your blog anyway, and enjoy it. Thanks.

39. Robin said...

I'm now following on Instagram! Thanks. :)

40. Arkidette said...

Beautuful fabrics! I'm new to quilting and I'd love to follow you on nstagram. Thank you.

41. Fran said...

Lovely fabrics! Now following you on Instagram, thanks for the fab giveaway.

42. Jennyroo said...

Oh wow, what a great bundle of fabric. Fingers crossed extra tight, I could do some great things with that fabric! I follow you on FB and subscribe to the blog but sadly I don't have instagram!

43. Lisa Merkley said...

I don't do instagram, but I follow you on facebook!

lisamerkley at gmail dot com

44. Catskill Quilter said...

I do not instagram, but I follow you with feedly! Happy Thanksgiving!

45. Unknown said...

Following you on Instagram! (@HiccupsSunshine)

46. Unknown said...

I follow your blog and FB!

47. Allison said...

I follow your blog... Haven't delved into instagram yet


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