Monday, November 29, 2010

My Shutterfly FREE christmas cards have arrived!

Remember back when I posted about Shutterfly's awesome FREE promo for Christmas Cards? If not it's HERE, what a great thing to take advantage of, I'm so glad I did...

My cards arrived today, and so fast too. It was hard to decide which card to use, they have so many adorable ones to choose from. I finally went with the folder card style and I'm so glad I did. I usually go with including a typed up family letter with our photo card but decided to change it up this year and include a shortened version of my letter printed on the card...So no more spending hours trying to include everything, this way was much faster and highlighted key events of our year...

I'm sure all my family and friends will be glad they don't have to read a mile long letter explaining every detail of our life this past year...Plus it just is cool to have the message printed on the card..

****I do want to give a note, that if you order these cards, when choosing matte or glossy finish. Choose glossy, I choose matte, since that is how I like my pictures, but matte on these cards tends to be a little dull, so remember glossy...

It's not too late to get yourself some free cards, just go HERE for all the details....


1. Mandy Beyeler said...

cute cards, and love your blog background!

2. Jenna said...

Cute Card! I ordered mine over the weekend & picked matte too. Hope it ends up looking ok :)

3. Kimberly said...

don't worry Jenna, matte will still look great. Glossy just makes it a little more shinny...but I was impressed with the great colors that they got from the pic I uploaded..

4. Erin A said...

Thanks for the tip! I just ordered mine yesterday and was sure to get glossy. :)

5. Little Lizard King said...

Very cute cards. Hey, did you receive a Shutterfly gift card for posting about the arrival of your holiday cards? I thought I read about it somewhere, but I can't find the details...


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