Sunday, September 5, 2010

OPEN and Back in Business

WHEW....What a whirlwind of a 2 week vacation. Yellowstone National Park and Lake Powell.

I am finally back and I do have to say it was good to get away and relax, but I am glad to be back and out of the car!...Yesterday it took us 11 hours to get home from Lake Powell with all the stopping at road side Indian jewelry stands and sightseeing. Such a long car ride I began to feel my body molding into my car chair. But it was all worth it and we all got some great pictures and great memories with my family..

Stop the rocking!!!! we were on the house boat for 6 days and I can't seem to stop myself from uncle says it's called "disembarkment syndrome" when you still feel the rocking of the boat, well that is me. I hope it goes away soon, it's not a great feeling.

This was our boat, "Diane" it was great, she had only one engine that worked, but she got us where we needed to go..

I was able to soak in the sun, swim, read, hike and go tubing... what a vacation!

this picture was towards the ending of our time on the lake, and I just love how it came out...Many thanks to my Uncle Gordo and his family who let us come along for the ride....Mahalo!

I'm OPEN AND BACK IN BUSINESS so head on over to my etsy shop and check out the fabrics I have to offer.. I did get in some new fabrics while I was away, so check those out as well. Within the next month I will be getting in more Amy Butler and Anna Marie Horner fabrics so check for those! HAPPY SHOPPING!!



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