Thursday, January 26, 2012

we're hosting a free fabric giveaway!

have you ever heard of A turtles life for me blog? it's run by Natalie Dixon. She has a awesome blog with lots of yummy recipes and great before and after projects.

Well today were over there hosting a giveaway for a $25 gift certificate to our shoppe for one of her lucky readers. So head on over and check out her blog, and make sure to become a follower so you can enter too, HERE.

We have tons of new items, that we are in the process of posting like......

fly a kite, by October Afternoon and Riley Blake... this print is so ADORABLE!


1. Danny Heyen said...

I am really loving this new line. Can we expect to see any coupons any time soon?? :)

2. Kimberly said...

hey danny,

you never know.... keep posted!


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