This is a great super, fun and easy tote bag tutorial that you will want to make over and over again!
(updated 04/18/2014)
Please read entire instructions prior to cutting fabric or starting.
What you need is:
1/2 yd of 2 different fabrics
2 yds coordinating webbing
2 pieces batting, thin like warm and natural 15"x 10" -not meant to cover whole bag
From these items you want to cut you're fabric into these measurements:
2 pieces batting (thin like warm and natural) 15"length x 10" wide
2 bag pieces 15"length (left to right if using directional) x 20.5"wide (up and down)
2 pocket pieces 15"length x 16.5" wide
cut webbing into two 1 yd pieces
Now you're ready to start!
First fold pocket piece in half and press, then you're going to layer your pieces

You should have 2 sets of these sandwich like sets..
Next take one set and pin one of the webbing yards, to make the straps. Starting at the bottom leave about 4" between each strap.
do this to the other set, so both look like this..
Now you're going to stitch the strap to all 3 layers, starting at one cut end of webbing, sewing along the edge of the strap. You will stitch pass the pocket and up to where your batting edge ends. (this will allow the fabric to show at the top above the pocket when finished)
Pivot your bag with needle down and sew the other edge of the strap back down to where you started. This will tack down both edges of this strap.
Repeat this to other side of strap on same side of bag your working on.
Repeat to other bag side. Once both are complete you are half way DONE! Now layer the 2 bag sides one on top of each other right sides together. At this point your straps are loose on the inside of the bag, just make sure to keep them out of the way, when you sew. Pin together leaving a 5" opening at the top center. (remember sewn straps are at the bottom of the bag) Stitch 1/2 inch around all 4 sides. Remembering to leave a 5" opening.
Now you're going to shape corners of bag and lining. (bit tricky) You're going to open up the corner and press it down so it looks like this.
then pin it and measure 2" from the point and about 4" across and sew along that 4".
Do this to all 4 corners. Does you're bag look like this? (TIP before you cut the corners I would make sure that the lining fits great, just in case you need to make some adjustments...I'm talking from experience)
NOW slowly turn it inside out, and if you're lining sits great, then go ahead and cut the corners. You can now stitch closed the lining (the 5" opening) with a small stitch.. and lastly you're going to top stitch the top of the bag...Remember you're top stitching so make a bigger size stitch, like a 4.0 would be great..
isn't this cute? my friend made this one for her little girl.. even her inside looks so professional..
Now both of these bags used the same pattern, but obviously they turned out a little different..(I think my bag measurements were a little off.. to my defense it was about 7pm and my brain shuts off at 5p...) but they both still look good. so with that said if you bag comes out a little bigger or smaller it will still do it's job and know one will know but you..

Go and make some and send me pictures. I would love to see what you can create!
My elephants bag was made from
Daiwabo Japan Fabric, Tip Top Elephant Walk grey, lightweight Cotton canvas and zag stripe chevron in pink.
Friends bag made from
Patty Young Sanctuary line, Aromatherapy sherbet and glass tiles sherbet from lining..
all fabric can be found
HERE and batting and webbing can be found at any local fabric shop. I got mine from jo-anns.
Our bags finished size (yours could come out slightly different)
width 13.5"
height 10.5"
including handle 16" high
depth 4"..