Monday, January 20, 2014

New fabric and bundles

We have been busy creating and listing fabric bundles as well as drooling over these new arrivals.

In from Shannon fabrics are these awesome and fun embossed chevron cuddle in:

gray/charcoal (sold out) only in the bundle

We have this Fat Half bundle
that is great for making quick and easy baby blankets.
A great tutorial can be found here. 

In from Robert Kaufman are these fun and festive metallic chevrons

and some new fun colors of Remix chevrons as well.


Soon to Arrive this month:

(photo from Michael Miller)

(photo from Michael Miller) 

New bundles

remember to like us on FB and follow us on instagram @Poppyseedfabrics

have a great week!!!!!


1. Fabric Carolina said...

Our products come directly from fabric and furniture manufacturers as well as "To the Trade Only" designer fabric suppliers.
charlotte fabrics


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