Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June is the best month!!!!!

June is by far my favorite month, so many birthdays to celebrate... My birthday and my daughter, who will be turning 2 (I can't believe it) at the end of the month. Also a bunch of my friends who are at the beginning. Speaking of which my good friend Janine is on the 8th and this year since we are all turing 30!!!! aahah I can't believe I just said that.....I have decided to make my friends different bags for their special day.

I just can't help it, being around all this wonderful fabric makes you want to keep making different projects. I have made Janine a wristlet from a pattern I bought from Oh Fransson found HERE and material from Riley Blake Andrea Victory from HERE I think it came out great, and since purple is her favorite color I really think she is going to like it...

For my other friend Ashley, I plan on making her a sling bag, also from Oh Fransson but this is a free pattern. I can't wait to see how it turns out..Keep you posted..


1. House of Smiths said...

That is ADORABLE! I love the fabric you chose :)


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