Many thanks to all of my wonderful followers and your great comments on what you would use this AWESOME fabric for... There were so many great ideas...
syocom said...
"Either of the fabric bundles are amazing but I think for the time of season I like the moonlight. SO dark and mysterious. I would make a skirt with one of my original designs with panels and a ruffle across the bottom. It would be so much fun. With the extra I would use it in my Hexi quit I'm starting. Thanks for the giveaway."
Please contact me to redeem your giveaway...
Please stop by my shop and pick up some of this great fabric for all of your wonderful projects...Also in November Anna Marie Horners PASTEL LINE will be re-printing the in VOILE fabric, so watch out for the collection to arrive in my shop. I will also post about it so you know when it arrives...These are by far my favorite coordinating fabric, it balances the big bright flowers so well..

DON'T FORGET TO HEAD ON OVER TO olivia Renn's blog for the giveaway of a new pattern and FQ bundle, ends FRIDay..
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