Sunday, September 12, 2010

TIme for a Great FABRIC giveaway

I have paired up with to do a great giveaway for this week....The winner will win the NEW fabric from Laurie Wisbrun line "Tufted Tweets" bundle in grass with some cute coordinating fabrics.

Bundle is valued at $30 and you will receive 1/2 yd of each for a total of 7 great fabrics.

All you need to do is head on over to my ETSY SHOP pick your favorite fabric bundle, then head on over to iheartnaptime and post a comment.

For extra entries, post my button to your blog, facebook, and tweet about the giveaway...

Good Luck!


  1. Hello!
    I am new blogger and just am learning about the "blogging world" I added your button to my wall and simply LOVE your fabric! My fave is Wall flower with GREY Coords! Way cute!!

    Thank you for this opportunity!

    -Simple as 1-2-3

  2. I Love all your fabric!! Urban circus is my fav!

  3. Wow, what a beautiful selection you have in the shop, well my favorites are the Alexander Henry YELLOW BIRD SEED with coodinates.

  4. I leave a comment in I Heart Nap Time, cute blog!
